DER/Grid-Edge Coordination
Our ongoing and past funded efforts include:
- Collaborative Research: CPS: Medium: Adaptive, Human-centric Demand-side Flexibility Coordination At-scale in Electric Power Networks, National Science Foundation (NSF), Cyber-physical System, $1 million, 9/1/22-8/31/25. Project Abstract.
- Grid-Ready Energy Analytics Training with Data, Department of Energy, Project Lead: EPRI, WSU’s support - $195,000, 8/16/19 – 5/15/24.
- GridAPPS-D - Layered Architecture for Distributed Applications, Subcontract agency - BATTELLE/PNNL, Awarding agency - Department of Energy (DOE), WSU’s support - $ 250,000, 3/1/21 – 8/31/23.
- CITADELS, Subcontract agency - BATTELLE/PNNL, Awarding agency - Department of Energy (DOE), WSU’s support - $495,000, 1/1/2020-7/31/2023. Completed
- Robust Distributed Control for Power Sharing in Islanded Industrial Microgrids, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, $267,770, 5/15/2019-12/31/2022. Completed
- Bilateral Contract Design and Retail Market Development for Flexible Electric Power Systems with Residential Demand-side Participation, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, $249,785, 1/1/19 – 8/15/22. Completed
- Development of an Open-Source Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS), Subcontract agency – BATTELLE - PNNL, Awarding agency - Department of Energy (DOE), WSU’s support - $ 1,052,902, 8/16/16 – 12/31/20. Completed
- Economical and engineering aspects of proactive demand-participation: Hierarchical versus bilateral control structure, Funding agency - Department of Energy (DOE), $360,000 (WSU’s support - $210,000), 10/1/16 – 6/30/19. Completed
- Framework to analyze interactions between transmission and distribution systems with high distributed energy resources (DERs) penetrations, Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC), $150,000, 07/01/17-08/31/19. Completed